Thursday, February 10, 2011

Selamat Pengantin Baru.

Ohh! Sorry for the late post. My bad. My brother's wedding is sooo tiresome. You know what? My brother asked me to be his pengapit. Yey. I like that. You know what it means right? You are everywhere in the pictures. Fuyoo fuyoo. Just embracing a lil bit of the beauty of a wedding. eventhough I'm not the one who is getting married.

The theme for this wedding are white and blue. Wanna see the pictures? Yeahhh. 

This is my brother Fadzwan bin Abdullah and his wife, Aina Nuriezma binti Zahari.
See that little boy there? That's my nephew. His name is Qaiser. Everyone is in blue. There's a big sea in my house. Yeahh.

Ahhh, I forgot to ask the photographer about the other pictures. I only have a few of them. Aiyooo.

About this wedding preparation, I'm tired not because of this, but because of my nieces and nephew. Heyyyy!! I have to carry them. I have to accompany them. And they run, play, scream. I'm getting crazy you know. Aiyaaa. Susah jadi parents nih kalau anak sama besar ngan ulat beluncas. Your head can explode when they scream. Screeching your ears till bleed. =.=''. But, they are adorable. So cute. =)

Anyway, this is us. The family. And please welcome, Kak Aina to our crazy-psycho-happy-family. =)

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